Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure | D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
New to Our Edition:
Biographical Foreword by Geoffrey Thomas; Hardback, Smythe-sewn Binding; MP3 Audio Disc
It is our opinion that Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure is one of the finest Christian books that has been written. We have brought this edition into print ourselves in order to make it available in hardback, together with an MP3 audio disc containing the messages which generally made up the book. If you are unfamiliar with Martyn Lloyd-Jones, this book is a very good introduction to him. Because we have published the book ourselves, we refer you to the "Publisher's Description" tab in order to see what we think. We commend it to every Christian who is at least a few years into their Christian walk. But we especially urge every pastor or counselor to read the book again and again. This is the kind of book that can completely transform your ministry and your understanding of the application of Scripture.
The audio disc is graciously provided by the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust. They describe its contents in this way: "The Spiritual Depression sermons are featured in a book as well as on this MP3 disc, but there are differences between the two! The book Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure was published in 1965 and contains 21 sermons, 7 of which do not appear on this disc. In particular, there are no audio recordings available on the 2nd and 3rd sermons in the series: 'The True Foundation' and 'Men as Trees Walking'. However, the 24 audio recordings on this disc include ten sermons that are not covered in this book (emphasis added). Unfortunately, this has led to a clash in reference numbers. Sermons 13-21 do not match chapters 13-21 in the book." Also, the recordings are very old, so just a few of them are of less than today's quality standards.
It should be stated that while written by a former medical doctor the book does not really deal with the medical treatment of depression (and Lloyd-Jones doesn't claim that). There are certainly rare occasions when the symptoms of depression can be so difficult that medicines should be used to help peel away the surface problems, clearing the way to deal with the deeper issues. There are also other physical causes of depression, as Lloyd-Jones points out in his book, which perhaps at times should be dealt with in a medicinal way. Never, however, should the primacy of the life-giving truths of Scripture be laid aside to take up other methods.
Also, if you are planning to study this book in a group, consider using this study guide.
Due to contractual limitations, this book is not available for retail sale in the U.S., except on our website, together with the MLJ Recordings Trust USA website. Outside of the United States, you may purchase it through your local Christian bookstore.
Sample pages: Table of Contents | New Biographical Foreword | Chastening (chapter 17)
- Author:
- D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- Publisher:
- Granted Ministries Press
- 9780981732145
- Page numbers:
- 320
- MP3 Audio Disc:
- Included
- Binding:
- Hardback
- Size:
- 9.00 x 6.00 x 1.50 inches