21st Nov 2011

New Sermon Available

The Great Worth of Worthless Men | Ryan Fullerton

Text: Luke 15

This message was preached at the 2011 Fellowship Conference in Denton, Texas, by Ryan Fullerton, one of the elders at Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Those who have sat under his preaching know that he can expound Scripture to the satisfaction of scholars while at the same time driving the word authoritatively into the heart of those who hear. His messages rarely fail to transform the listener, and they never fail to arouse some kind of response.

This message is no different and accomplishes a great many things. Mainly, Ryan urges us to consistently and diligently preach the gospel to the “prostitutes, tax collectors, and sinners” of our communities—and not in a distant and impersonal way, but in ways which bring us into close contact with their lives, even by inviting them into our houses. Along the way, this sermon makes many other points. It shows the graciousness of Christ, who practiced this kind of evangelism. It also confronts common misconceptions of holiness. It even corrects a misapplication of the biblical doctrine of sin, reminding us that even worthless sinners still have great worth before God.

As Christians, whenever we hear a preacher challenge us, we need to "search the Scriptures to see if these things be so" (Acts 17:11). It is our belief that God intends this message to work repentance into the hearts of many professing Christians lacking Christ-like love for sinners. May you listen well, having asked God to open your heart to the word preached.

We plan to make this message available for purchase on CD; until then, we have only the free download and video.
